Immediate Implant Placement into Extraction Sockets with Labial Plate Dehiscence Defects: A Clinical Case Series
To measure the buccal plate reconstruction of extraction sockets with labial plate dehiscence defects using a bone
allograft in combination with an absorbable collagen membrane and a custom-healing abutment at the time of tooth
removal. Ten patients underwent immediate implant placement and reconstruction of the buccal plate. CBCT was performed pre-extraction, immediately after bone grafting and implant placement, and between 6 and 9 months following implant surgery. Measurements were taken at three levels: coronal, middle, and apical level. Implants placed into sockets with labial plate dehiscence defects demonstrated radiographic reformation of the labial plate dehiscence defect at 6 to 9 months post-treatment. The net gain in labial plate on CBCT in L1 and L2 was 3.0 mm, where 0 mm existed at pre-treatment. The minimum amount of labial plate thickness of 2.0 mm was achieved in all treated sites, evaluated radiographically at 6-9 months post-operatively, in a single
procedure, without flap elevation and maintaining the gingival architecture and satisfactory esthetics.